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Jene' Rauch



M.S. University of Florida


  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • Criminology and Justice


Professor Jene' D. Rauch has been an adjunct professor with the Department of Criminal Justice since 2013. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Forensic Chemistry from the University of Mississippi in 2007 and then obtained a Master of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Florida in 2011. Jene’ Rauch has been employed by Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office Crime Lab since 2007. She is currently the Senior Firearm Examiner and Section Supervisor. In this capacity she oversees all aspects of the Firearm Section, including laboratory analysis and the frequent response to major crime scenes. She is a court qualified expert in firearm and tool mark examination, shooting incident reconstruction, and bloodstain pattern analysis. She is a member of the Association of Firearms and Tool Mark Examiners (AFTE) and has lectured on Shooting Incident Reconstruction at AFTE's yearly symposium.  Additionally, she has lectured on Firearms and Tool Mark Examination for the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors "Train the Director Series". She instructs FRSC-A100: Introduction to Forensic Science.

Classes Taught

  • Introduction to Forensic Science
  • Firearms and Tool Mark Examination

Areas of Expertise

  • Firearm and Tool Mark Examination